工程 部门

Westmont 工程 works to integrate professional endeavors with faith experience.

The Westmont 工程 program is taught by Christian faculty who are experts in their fields. Our program emphasizes hands-on active learning and design-oriented experiences that make the technical content come to life.

A new Westmont building provides an incredible maker 空间 and engineering student lounge for the engineering program. 韦斯特蒙特在圣巴巴拉的位置, 加州是最美丽的居住地之一, 研究, 和工作. Graduates don't have to look far for remarkable job opportunities.


Westmont 工程是围绕 三个 柱子.

一个坚实的 基督教文科 基金会


优秀的技术工程培训 小班学习,专注 动手主动学习在美国,教授对学生非常投入


工程设计与创新的融合 贯穿整个课程


专业 & 度


Westmont乙.S. in engineering promotes specialization, job opportunities and graduate school. 基督教文科, we add a solid math and 科学 基金会 with in-depth content in all critical, 技术工程领域. Christian experts teach small classes (averaging 10) where students learn by doing and get to know professors. Hands-on, design-oriented experiences bring technical content to life.

We focus on engineering design and innovation because design differentiates engineering from other technical disciplines. Engineers create (design) products, processes and services to help people. As Christians, we endeavor to love people and help them lead better lives. Design Innovation (DI) plays a central role in multiple courses:

  • 工程与文科(第一年)
  • 初级设计
  • Senior Capstone Design (two semesters) focusing on industry-sponsored projects.

We include DI through mini design experiences incorporating technical content in various courses.

The Christian liberal arts help graduates excel in their careers. 而工程实践需要很高的技术能力, the engineering industry increasingly demands thoughtfulness and skills that the Christian liberal arts teach: leadership, 团队合作, 冲突管理, 人际关系技巧, 同理心, 谈判和书面及口头沟通能力.

Westmont 工程 integrates professional endeavors with faith. 我们创造性地设计东西来改善人们的生活, which aligns with Christ’s command to “love others as ourselves” (Matt. 22:39). 我们的初级设计课程强调为服务而设计.




工程 graduates find tremendous opportunities across a broad range of industries 比如设计, 能源, 可持续性, 环境资源, 机器人, 自动化, 汽车设计, 航空, 空间, 制造业和物联网(IoT).

工程 continues to be one of the most rapidly growing majors in the country, 随着就业市场对工程师的需求飙升. With many industries employing engineers in Santa Barbara County, Westmont engineering students will find a rich source of internships during college and jobs when they graduate. Opportunities for women and ethnic minorities are especially abundant.



The Westmont 工程 教师 are at the top of their field 和工作 on the cutting edge of reSearch.







A new Westmont building provides an incredible maker 空间 and engineering student lounge for the engineering program.






研究 & 实习

工程 students at Westmont can gain real-world experience through internships that may also count for elective credit. 和所有的威斯蒙特学生一样, engineering majors have the opportunity to conduct reSearch with professors or pursue their own projects and ideas. This hands-on experience prepares them for engineering jobs and graduate school.



发现研究 & 实习机会



“Westmont大学, 拥有超过85年的悠久历史, has emerged as an institution known for its unwavering commitment to academic excellence intertwined with a deep love for God."





“We take our technical competence and the 基金会 of our Christian liberal arts education and put it all together to love people well in the name of Jesus. 那是韦斯特蒙特工程公司.” 



Dan Jensen Westmont工程教授


“Dan has developed tools that unleash innovation and harness creativity.”





厄瓜多尔的年轻学生学习科学, 技术, engineering 和数学 (STEM) while having fun thanks to two teams of students from Westmont’s 工程 Design course.






  1. 识别能力, 制定, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, 科学, 和数学.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素.
  3. 与广泛的受众进行有效沟通的能力.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, 创造一个协作和包容的环境, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标.
  6. 发展和进行适当实验的能力, 分析和解释数据, 并运用工程判断得出结论.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning


Westmont Program Educational Objectives | In 三个 to five years after graduating from Westmont's 工程 Program, 我们的毕业生将:

have made significant progress in their chosen profession and/or pursuit of an advanced degree.

have been given increasing leadership responsibility and engaged in service, advancing toward their employment goals and/or the betterment of their communities, 文化与社会.


have experienced increasing effectiveness in 团队合作; establishing and demonstrating respect for diverse teams.

有没有应用创新的原则, engineering expertise and/or technical knowledge to challenging issues in their chosen field including efforts to address societal and 文化 challenges all while continuing to advance in their learning.


have demonstrated steadfastness in their commitment to uphold high ethical standards of trustworthiness, 荣誉与谦卑.

他们的信心有增长吗, developing as lifelong disciples of Jesus who impact the world through compassion, 善良, 谦卑, 温柔, 和忍耐(歌罗西书3:12).


