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度 & 项目 环境研究副修

Engage pressing environmental issues and practice stewardship of the e艺术h.

Widespread environmental problems rank among the most pressing global issues of our time, 他们的科学, social and moral dimensions require a sophisticated, informed and compassionate response. The Environmental Studies minor cultivates a deep understanding of human connections to the natural world so you can analyze and debate complex environmental problems 设计建设性的, 富有想象力的解决方案. You’ll discover how to practice stewardship of the e艺术h in the context of Christian theology and social and environmental 道德. You'll also develop the knowledge and skills to engage contemporary environmental issues such as biodiversity loss, 污染, 资源枯竭, 气候变化, 可再生能源, 可持续农业 and sustainable development from local to global scales.

Requirements for a Minor: 20 units

ENV 001 Introduction to Environmental Studies (4)

At least one course must be taken from each of the three following areas.

自然科学 社会科学 人文学科
  • 海洋生物学(4)
  • 生物多样性(4)
  • BIO 125普通生态学(4)
  • BIO 129热带生态学(4)
  • 生物与ag娱乐官网(4)
  • CHM 004 Chemistry, Culture and the Environment (4)
  • LS 012 Introduction to Life Sciences (4)

其他自然科学 environmental courses offered at Au Sable Institute for Environmental Studies or other Westmont-approved off-campus programs (e.g., 地理信息系统的环境应用, 生物农业, 保护生物学, 土地资源, 恢复生态学, 环境化学).

  • AN/KNS 140食物系统(4)
  • HIS 010ENV Perspectives on World History: Environment (4)
  • POL 103 Governing: Doing Public Policy (4)
  • POL 124 International Development (4)
  • POL 127 Environmental Politics (4)
  • SOC 161 Environmental Sociology (4)

Other 社会科学 environment courses offered at Au Sable Institute for Environmental Studies or other Westmont-approved off-campus programs (e.g., 环境法律与政治, International Development and Environmental Sustainability, 可持续ag娱乐官网发展)

  • ART 134 Land into Landscape: The Anthroposcenic Imagination (4)
  • COM 129 Persuasion and Propaganda (4)
  • COM 130 Argumentation and Advocacy (4)
  • ENG 002ENV Composition: Environment
  • ENG 006ENV Studies in Literature: Environment (4)
  • ENG 044ENV Studies in World Literature: Environment (4).      

Other humanities courses with a substantive environmental component, (e.g. RS-116 The Apocalypse, RS-134 Gender in Theological Perspective).  


ENV-190 Environmental Studies Internship (1-4) [may be distributed into the three areas as appropriate.]

PEA-067A Trail Hiking and Running (1)

其他自然科学, 社会科学, or humanities courses with a substantive environmental component, 专题课程, or senior seminars may be approved by the minor advisor. 

At least two courses must be upper-division. 课程可能有先决条件. For courses where environmental issues are not the sole focus, students should choose an environment-related issue for any independent project assigned, 由辅修导师批准.


ENV 001 Introduction to Environmental Studies (4) This course is an introduction to the main features of the environment and global environmental issues. It uses an interdisciplinary approach that includes environmental science, 道德, 文学, 历史, 政治, 社会学, 和经济学. It cultivates a deep understanding of individual and corporate connections to the natural world in all its diversity, and helps students develop an interdisciplinary knowledge base and set of skills to engage contemporary environmental issues from local to global scales. It also situates stewardship of the e艺术h in the context of Christian theology and social environmental 道德, fosters an ability to analyze and debate complex environmental problems, 设计建设性的, imaginative strategies to address them.

ENV 190 Environmental Studies Internship (1-4)前提条件:ENV 001. Internship experience in environment-related fields such as environmental advocacy, 沟通, 艺术, or writing; resource management, 野生动物管理, 栖息地的恢复, 可持续农业, 绿色商业, 野性疗法, 或者自然素养. Internships will preferably be performed in Santa Barbara or in conjunction with the Westmont in San Francisco program.


A strong education in environmental studies will prepare you in innumerable ways for careers in governmental, 学术, for-profit and/or non-profit institutions.  Potential career paths include environmental law, 绿色商业, 科学新闻, 荒野治疗, 户外教育, 自然资源管理, 恢复生态学, 可持续农业.